Weater changes

You can now notice that the spring has started in Sweden with all these green leafs, grass birds that is singing and also the wonderful rain. 
Today I went up and I was surprised over the heavy rain outside I just noticed that I didn't have an umbrella just a parasol my grandmother gave to us earlier this year. Sadly I went outside in the rain and got really wet however I can't see that as a negative sight because it was funny to get wet, hoho. 
My day was like an ordinary day except my travel to school when I had company by my teacher Ingrid once again and also my friend Willy. I have to say that my teacher has a really interesting life and is a wonderful person, she is really uniqe.
To summary my day: The day was an adventure with friends outside fighting with sticks (me and Eve), weird fried salmon nuggets, my japanese teacher laughing at me because I thought alcohol was tea. A meeting with the sector concil and of course amount of laugh and happiness.
I'm sorry but I won't translate this post to Swedish because I'm exahausted after today, I even didn't drank any coffié so I'm really tired right now... 
And as my workout today I tried BODYJAM, you dance to house, hiphop, R&B music and it was very hard and a good way of training. 
good night peeps! <3 

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