Open House with YUKATA
Hi everyone!
Yesterday my school had this ''open house'' day when random people visits other schools and later decided where their children or offspring will learn their future education. I had the luck to represent my program together with one from 3th class and a classmate from my class.
At first I had a second thought about this because firstly I was really sick and secondly I didn't really know who I was going to work with but that was only creepy thoughts, however I changed my mind and represented my school.
The funny thing was that I had to wear a yukata while representing our program because I go a japanese program. The yukata was really beautiful and I got many compliments. My red hair did match the pink yukata so it was a really big plus.
There wasn't just positive aspects of this because my throut was aching like hell so I had a big problem with the speaking part also I didn't get any ''fika''. :'(
After the open house was over I went home but I enconter come fans durning my trip. When I was alone at the station I was interrupted by 4 guys who visited my school earlier. One of them came torwards me and said that he thought I was really cute and wanted my number, but I was like ''Uh, no back of ..'' I didn't say that but you know I said something nice.
When the guys left me a other guy came up to me. He asked me if I felt uncomfortable and I said no because It happens quite often to me sadly. Later we ended up becoming friends and spoke about weird stuff while traveling home together. It was nice to have a ''gentlemen'', like my friend called him, by my side when that happened.
I came home pretty late however it was worth it because It was really funny and I would really like to do it again sometime!