A cool day
Yey it was a really cool day
Today I visited the hospital and they did a x-ray on my tummy because I have big problems with my tummy and when he did the x-ray he took his all strenght into the thing he used to watch inside my stomach. That hurted really badly so my whole stomach was red after he was done and I'm really sensetive on my stomach and especialy on my ribs because I'm very thin there and you can see my ribs and when he took all his strenght into the hard cold x-ray on my ribs.. that was just disgusting and so painful.
However I was able to forget that when I arrived to school and when I was on the subway I met Otto and we went together to school and later we met up with her class mates.
First lesson were japanese, we had this kanji test and It went pretty well despite the fact that I forget what chuugatsu or junior high were in swedish......... But the lesson were fun, we spoke and we read.
After my japanese class I had the course ''writing'' were me and Anna were writing our interview we did with Sebastian. Our swedish teacher said that if this interview thing is good enough it might appear in our school paper and I hope it will because I will be really honored if it did.
I also got to know about the one that was expelled from the school and why however I'm not going to write about that because I think that is just low and bad to write about an other person who have done something wrong.
After school I followed Märta home and we played games on her WII and cuddled with her cats and I met her mother and she was really nice, I like her.
Märta was also so nice that she gave me her guitar because she was lazy enough to not sell it on blocket or someother page so I'm really happy because now I can pratice my future guitar skills.
When I came home I ate, did my latin homework and helped my friend with his japanese homework.
Tomorrow I don't really know what I am going to do but we will see.. !